Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Catching Up On Everything

Good Grief Charlie Brown. It's been a long time since my last post. A number of things have happened since October of last year.

1. We finished play testing Joe's Lord of the Dice rules. We've moved on to another adventure based in the Traveller universe using Joe's Lord of the Dice... in Spaaace rules. I had a set of the Traveller basic rules ages ago, but never played it. Joe combined some of the alien character types from Star Fronters with a mashup of the classic Traveller and updated Mongoose rules and blended with his Lord of the Dice system of roleplaying. More on our campaign later.

2. My Decks of Destiny finally arrived at the end of January. All the materials are well done and I am nowfaced with the problem of how to organize and where to keep all this stuff.

3. To add to that my Pocket Box games also arrived a few days later (during the Super Bowl). I now am the proud owner of reprints of the original OGRE and G.E.V. games, plus two supplements, and Awful Green Things From Outer Space. Pocket boxes are cool.

4. Almost forgot. I've been playing games online for awhile now. I got involved in one adventure played out on Roll20 in a dungeon. I dropped out of that one. Now I'm doing a Play-By-Mail adventure on the TFT Discord server with several other guys. We are exploring a bit of Elynthia in the Huldre Forest. Giant spiders have destroyed a village and our team of hardy adventurers are investigating.

Well that's all for now. I'll be writing in more detail about all of this very soon.

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