Sunday, June 16, 2019

Circular Firing Squad

This came up in a poll question in the Steve Jackson Games Forum:  Re: YOU'RE the GM: the circular firing squad

Here is the setup:
Brandt has a long bow and DX13.
Mad Oly has a throwing ax and DX12.
Edulf has a crossbow and DX12.

Each fighter is attacking into the side hex of another. Brandt attacks Mad Oly. Mad Oly attacks Edulf, and Edulf attacks Brandt.

What order will the attacks take place?


First I think it would be improbable, but not impossible, to have the fighters in this situation. After initiative is rolled, at least one of the fighters would be able to adjust their facing to avoid being attacked from a side hex.

But let's assume that these three don't like each other and that for some unknown reason they fail to use common sense when it comes to facing an opponent. And while we are at it, let's overlook the idiocy of two of them closing to point blank range to use their missile weapons. Who shoots first?

Brandt (long bow) and Edulf (cross bow) get no DX adjustment for shooting into a side hex. They are so close to their targets that there is no negative adjustment for range either. So Brandt's adjusted DX is 13, and Eduff's is 12.

On the other hand, Mad Oly is using a throwing ax. If he throws it he gets +2 to his DX for the side hex and -1 DX for range for an adjusted DX of 13. But the range adjustment is not figured in when determining action order so for that the DX is 14.

What if Mad Oly just strikes with the ax rather than throw it? If he strikes with the ax he gets the +2 for the side hex and NO range penalty which means his adjusted DX is 14.

So Mad Oly would strike first. Then Brandt goes second, and Edulf would be third.

Is your head hurting from all this? Mine is.

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