When I prepared to start play The Fantasy Trip after many long years, I went into our Friendly Local Game Store (FLGS) and bought a bunch of D6s from the bargain barrel. They worked well enough and I didn't think a lot about how fair or random they were.
Once I got my big box of goodness, i.e. The Fantasy Trip Legacy Edition, I had several sets of red (Melee) and blue (Wizard) dice that I used regularly in our sessions. I generally favor the blue dice over the red, but that is just a color choice.
handed out sets of two of these dice in various colors to us so we all would be rolling completely fair dice with no bias.
Soon after that Joe told us that a supplier of his had the same dice for sale at a ridiculously low price. Even better, the set of five die were the same price as a set of two. We placed our orders and last night Joe delivered. I got to say these dice are awesome. Of course now I need a dice tower or tray to roll these bad boys in. Otherwise they are going to ding up the table top.
* Lord of the Dice, copyright 2019 by Joe Starza.