Sunday, March 10, 2019

After The Big Fight

Adventuring has its busy days as well as its slow ones. Just the previous week we had fought and defeated a major monster (the Spider Queen). We didn't find any treasure when it was all done. We returned to the town to the cheers of the residents, the poor residents. It will take time for them to get the old cider works going again and making any money.

It's not totally unprofitable for our brave adventurers. We were named knights of the town and given 40 acres of land each. We had already made a deal for a cut of the profits from the cider works once it goes into production, but for now there is little silver jingling in our belt pouches.

Oh well, there is always delivering the mail. We actually have a good thing traveling from the wizard Imago's Vanishing Tower once a month to the alchemist Grizbane's tower about 70 miles away. The two mages have been playing a game of Chess by mail for hundreds of years. They pay us well to carry their letters. This is not high adventure, but it gives us reason to travel.

So after resting for a week we visited Imago and got a new letter from him to deliver. Our own wizard stays behind to learn from Imago. We will return for him in a month during the next First Quarter moon. Then it's back on the road again.

Only two things of interest happen on the trip. When we arrive in the town of Gromly where we started out so many weeks ago, the Ogre lord's steward shows up at our door and demands more tax money from us. He has a band of brigands with him so we pay unhappily. When we arrive in Grizbane that night an orange, globular, orcish figure attacks a hut killing the occupants. Krupke kills it with one blow from a torch that ignites it and then it explodes.

These incidents will lead to more adventures. The Ogre Lord, or more precisely his steward, Snidley, need to be removed from Gromly. They need to be replaced with a civil government. Grizbane the alchemist is running dangerous experiments that are poisoning the villagers and creating monsters in the swamp where his chemicals runoff. This also needs to stop.

So what will happen in our next session?

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